Practice areas
- Corporate and Commercial Transactions
- Corporate Compliance and Other Regulatory Programs
- Emergency Planning and Response
- Energy
- Occupational Safety and Health Compliance
- PFAS and Emerging Contaminants
- Site Development and Brownfields Redevelopment
- Superfund and Site Remediation
- Sustainability and ESG
- Waste
- Water
Bar & Court Admissions
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
- Hawaii
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
- U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii
University of Texas School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1993
University of London and the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (London, UK), international law coursework, 1992
Boston College, B.A., summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1990
LEED® Accredited Professional (LEED AP BD+C)
"LEED Accredited Professional" and related acronym, and the LEED AP logo are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and awarded to individuals under license by the Green Business Certification Inc.
Professional & Community Activities
Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin
- Board of Directors (2021-Present)
Hawaii State Bar Association (HSBA) Environment, Energy & Resources Section
- Board Member (2018-Present) and Past Chair
Kiwanis Club of Honolulu
Hawaii Women Lawyers
Women in Renewable Energy
Previous Board Service and Leadership Roles:
- ThinkTech Hawaii, Board of Directors
- Philadelphia Bar Association Environmental Law Committee, Co-Chair
- Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Board of Directors
- Radnor Township Environmental Advisory Council, Chair
- Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia, Co-Founder, Director Emeritus and Co-Chair
- American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources, Vice-Chair Committee on Innovation, Management Systems and Trading, Editorial Board of Trends Newsletter
- Delaware Valley Green Building Council, Board of Directors and Greenbuild Host Committee
- Sustainability Directors' Roundtable, Founder and Director
- Shofuso Japanese House and Garden in Philadelphia, Board of Directors
- Delaware Valley American Inn of Court, Counselor
Brenda Gotanda is a partner with Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox LLP and has extensive experience representing clients in environmental regulatory compliance, enforcement and transactional matters. For over 30 years, clients have relied on her to provide strategic guidance in managing risks, responding to challenges, engaging with regulators, and achieving their goals. Brenda represents and counsels clients in a variety of businesses on environmental and energy matters, including regulatory compliance, permitting, enforcement actions, transactions, site remediation, and project development. Brenda has handled complex issues related to the regulation of water, waste, air, and chemical substances for a broad range of clients, including in the manufacturing, real estate, energy, industrial development, telecommunications, transportation, waste management and retail sectors. Her practice includes significant matters involving wastewater and stormwater NPDES permitting and enforcement, TMDL development and implementation, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, PFAS, real estate transactions and due diligence, spill prevention and emergency response, Superfund, redevelopment of brownfields and former defense sites, and occupational safety and health. In addition, she has guided clients though complex and evolving issues related to sustainability, greenhouse gas emissions and lifecycle analysis, renewable energy, battery energy storage, energy efficiency, renewable fuels, green building, and green marketing claims.
Brenda has been included in The Best Lawyers® in America listing for environmental law since 2009 and in the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers listing for environmental law since 2010 with inclusion on the lists for Top 50: Women Pennsylvania Super Lawyers (2020-2023), Top 100: Pennsylvania Super Lawyers (2022) and Top 100: Philadelphia Super Lawyers (2021-2022).*
Brenda serves on the Board of Directors of the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin. She is a past Chair of the Environmental, Energy & Resources Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association and a past Co-Chair of the Environmental Law Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association. She has served on the Board of Directors for ThinkTech Hawaii, Inc., the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Shofuso Japanese House and Garden, and the Delaware Valley Green Building Council. Brenda is a LEED Accredited Professional® (BD+C) and founded and led the MGKF Sustainability Directors’ Roundtable. She is a co-founder and Director Emeritus of the Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia and has also served as Chair of the Radnor Township Environmental Advisory Council.
Away from work, Brenda enjoys spending time with family and friends, swimming, hiking, visiting national parks, and exploring the beauty of Hawaii.
*See Professional Highlights Tab for listing and rating information.
Representative examples of Brenda’s work include the following:
- Complex transactions for the purchase and sale of businesses and real estate, including contract negotiation, due diligence, permit transfers, securing pre-acquisition environmental liability protections, negotiating environmental insurance policy terms, and preparing institutional controls and environmental covenants;
- Development and implementation of cleanup compliance strategies for industrial clients at operating facilities and at waste disposal sites to address historic contamination under state and federal cleanup authorities, including the Pennsylvania Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act ("Act 2"), New Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act ("Spill Act") and Industrial Site Recovery Act ("ISRA"), and the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA") and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA");
- Water and wastewater regulation, compliance, permitting, and enforcement defense including National Pollution Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") discharges, wastewater pre-treatment, water allocation, Total Maximum Daily Load (“TMDL”) development and implementation, wetlands, stormwater, waterfront development, and soil erosion and sediment control
- Solid and hazardous waste regulation compliance, permitting, and enforcement defense;
- Green building legal agreements and LEED® certification;
- Counseling product manufacturers on "green" product claims and FTC Green Guides compliance;
- Drafting and negotiating renewable energy power purchase agreements and project contracts for transportation energy capture, storage, and reuse;
- Counseling and representation regarding greenhouse gas emissions calculation and lifecycle analysis programs;
- Emergency spill response, including compliance and reporting obligations, and development of spill prevention and response plans (e.g., SPCC, SPRP, DPCC, EAP, ICP, etc);
- Cross-cutting regulation of specific substances such as asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"), and lead;
- Site remediation under federal and state cleanup programs, including securing remedial action consent decrees with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), settling federal CERCLA and RCRA liability at EPA Superfund sites, negotiating administrative settlements for EPA removal actions, and securing liability protections through state voluntary cleanup programs such as Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection ("PADEP") Buyer-Seller Agreements and Act 2 demonstrations of attainment;
- Defense and settlement of enforcement actions by federal, state, and local agencies, including response to orders, information requests, penalty assessments, and cost recovery claims;
- Development of environmental, health, and safety regulatory compliance programs and regulatory compliance auditing;
- Defense of Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") enforcement actions;
- Negotiation of innovative agreement under EPA’s Project XL to enable specialty chemical company to achieve better and more cost-effective environmental results under an alternative regulatory program; and
- Toxic Substances Control Act ("TSCA") pre-manufacture notification issues and new chemical registration requirements in the United States and foreign markets, including the European Union, Canada and Asia.
Brenda has organized educational programs and been a frequent speaker on various environmental, energy, health, and safety topics, including green building, corporate sustainability, green claims, energy efficiency and benchmarking, water permitting and regulation, wetlands, impaired waters and TMDL development, OSHA compliance, asbestos and lead paint regulation, agency inspections and enforcement, brownfields redevelopment and site remediation, due diligence in corporate and real estate transactions, and waste management. She has published numerous articles in law journals, trade journals, and newspapers and was a contributing author to the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry OSHA Handbook and to the Matthew Bender treatise The Law of Hazardous Waste: Management, Cleanup, Liability and Litigation.
Honors & Awards
- The Best Lawyers® in America listing (environmental law), since 2009. The Best Lawyers list is issued by Woodward/White Inc. Click here to view the selection methodology.
- Pennsylvania Super Lawyers listing (environmental law), since 2010; Top 50: Women Pennsylvania Super Lawyers since 2020 and Top 100: Philadelphia Super Lawyers listing (2021-2022), and Top 100: Pennsylvania Super Lawyers (2022). The Super Lawyers list is issued by Thomson Reuters. Click here to view the selection methodology
- AV Preeminent Peer Review Rated through Martindale-Hubbell®, since 2003. Click here to view the selection methodology.
- Legal Intelligencer and Pennsylvania Law Weekly "Lawyer on the Fast Track" listing, 2005
- Touchstone Award, Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia (SWEP) for significant contributions to the environmental field, 2001
- No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or any other jurisdiction.
Special Alerts
- March 10, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- May 16, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- January 18, 2023
- January 18, 2023
- December 15, 2022
- January 14, 2022
- January 14, 2022
- January 14, 2022
- April 15, 2021MGKF Environmental Briefing
- January 12, 2021
- January 11, 2021
- January 11, 2021
- June 16, 2020
- April 16, 2020COVID-19 Update
- May 30, 2023The Legal Intelligencer
- March 8, 2023The Legal Intelligencer
- April 20, 2021The Legal Intelligencer
Press Releases
- August 15, 2024
- May 17, 2024Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 100 Philadelphia and Top 50 Women Pennsylvania listings
- November 2, 2023
- August 17, 2023
- May 22, 2023Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 100 Pennsylvania listing. Other partners included in additional top lists.
- November 3, 2022
- September 1, 2022
- August 19, 2022
- June 2, 2022
- May 27, 2022Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 10 Pennsylvania listing. McCabe and Brenda H. Gotanda included in additional top lists.
- November 4, 2021
- August 19, 202117 Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Attorneys Listed in 2022 Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch
- June 14, 2021
- May 4, 2021
- May 3, 2021
- November 5, 2020
- October 23, 2020
- September 15, 2020
- Bruce Katcher Named the Best Lawyers® 2021 Environmental Law “Lawyer of the Year” in Cherry Hill, NJAugust 20, 202016 Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Attorneys Included in Best Lawyers 2021 and Four Named to Inaugural Ones to Watch List
- August 17, 2020
- June 8, 2020Gotanda, McCabe, Moshang and Schiller Included in Top 50 Women Pennsylvania Listing
- April 22, 2020
- April 21, 2020
- May 23, 2019Fox and McCabe Included on Top 100 List for Philadelphia; McCabe and Moshang Included in Top 50 Women Pennsylvania
- December 10, 20182018 Hawaii State Bar Association (HSBA) Convention & Annual Meeting November 2, 2018
- August 15, 201814 Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Attorneys Included in Best Lawyers 2019
- May 21, 2018McCabe, Moshang and Schiller Included in Top 50: 2018 Women Pennsylvania Super Lawyers; McCabe Included on Top 100 List for Philadelphia
- May 14, 2018
- February 22, 2018Cross-Country Law Practice is the Way of the Future
- April 21, 2016
Seminars & Speaking Engagements
Program Planner, "PFAS Risk Management: Insights into the Evolving Regulatory Landscape," a hybrid program presented by the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin, Bala Cynwyd, PA, October 19, 2023
Moderator, “Navigating Ethics in the Evolving World of ESG” presented at the Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention (virtual), October 14, 2022
"Pennsylvania Water Laws and Regulations: Current Issues with the Clean Water Act," a HalfMoon Education webinar, April 27, 2022
Moderator, “Circular Economy: A Straight Line to Sustainability” presented at the Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention (virtual), October 15, 2021
"Indirect Discharges and Clean Water Act Permits – The Supreme Court’s New Functional Equivalent Standard” presented at the Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention (virtual), October 16, 2020
Moderator, “Workplace Health & Safety in a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from Covid-19” presented at the Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention (virtual), October 16, 2020
"Making Waves: The Ripple Effects of the Supreme Court’s New 'Functional Equivalent' Test on Clean Water Act NPDES Discharge Permitting" a webinar presented on behalf of West LegalEdCenter/Thomson Reuters, August 10, 2020
Moderator, “Putting a Price on Nature – The Use of Ecological Economics in Regulatory Regimes” presented at the Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention, Honolulu, HI, October 11, 2019
Moderator, “At the Crossroads of Real Estate and the Environment – How Green Building is Charting a Course for Hawaii’s Future” presented at Hawaii State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Bar Convention, Honolulu, HI, November 2, 2018
"Managing Environmental Risks to Get the Deal Done" presented at the Temple Real Estate Institute, April 14 and May 26, 2016
“Green Leases for the Next Generation of Sustainable Buildings” presented at the Delaware Valley Green Building Council’s Tri-State Sustainability Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, March 6, 2016
"LEED® for Lawyers: A Green Building Update and Tour" presented at the offices of MGKF for the Greater Philadelphia Delaware Valley of the Association of Corporate Counsel, November 17, 2015
"Panel Discussion on Sustainable Solutions" presented at Villanova University's 45th Annual Earth Day Celebration, Villanova, PA, April 23, 2015
“By the Numbers: Energy Star, LEED, and Other Means to Measure Green Success” presented at the Tri-State Sustainability Symposium at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March 6, 2015
"Building the Foundation for Sustainable Practices," presented at the City Avenue Special Services District Lunch and Learn in Bala Cynwyd, PA, April 24, 2014
"Environmental Issues Update for Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Deals" presented at the Temple University Real Estate Institute in Philadelphia, PA, April 4, 2014
Moderator, "Urban Stormwater Management: Philly, Camden and Beyond" panel presentation at the Tri-State Sustainability Symposium 2014 in Philadelphia, PA, March 7, 2014
"Energy Efficiency, Green Building and Sustainability" (course planner and moderator) presented for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute in Philadelphia, PA, November 27, 2012
"Sustainability Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for Existing Buildings," presented at the Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) in Philadelphia, PA, May 1, 2012
"Greening Your Real Estate Deals: Opportunities and Risks in Sustainable Development" presented at the Temple University Real Estate Institute in Philadelphia, PA, April 16 and May 10, 2012
"Codes and Mandates - Is There a Connection to Energy Star and LEED?" panel presentation at the PA/NJ Sustainability Symposium 2012 in Philadelphia, PA, March 29, 2012
"Electric Cars and Their Infrastructure: How's This All Going to Work?," (course planner and moderator) presented as part of the Sustainability Series in Radnor, PA, January 26, 2012
"Making Sense of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy," presented at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's Real Estate Institute in Philadelphia, PA, December 7, 2011
"Water Quality, Wetlands, and Stormwater Regulatory Update," presented at the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry 2011 Fall Environmental Conference Series in Valley Forge, PA, October 26, 2011
Greenbuild 2011 Knowledge Bar (subject matter expert) at the U.S. Green Building Council's Greenbuild 2011 in Toronto, Canada, October 6, 2011
"Energy Efficiency Benchmarking," presented at the Urban Land Institute in Philadelphia, PA, May 13, 2011
"Environmental Issues That Can Impact Any Business - What Every In-House Counsel Should Know", presented at the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's (DELVACCA) In-House Counsel Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 7, 2011
"Legal Aspects of Green Building: Standards, Codes & Beyond," presented at the Pennsylvania Association of Code Officials in Conshohocken, PA, March 17, 2011
"Green Building & Sustainability: Managing the New Risks," presented at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 14th Annual Real Estate Institute in Philadelphia, PA, December 2, 2010
Media Coverage
- August 31, 2023Law360
- May 23, 2019MontCo.Today
- March 19, 2018The Philadelphia Inquirer/
- February 5, 2018Think Tech Hawaii
- July 12, 2016The Pennsylvania Lawyer
- April 21, 2016Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Ranked in Top 20 Ceiling SmashersLaw360