Practice areas
- Litigation
- Administrative Actions and Appeals
- Contract and Common Law Claims
- Cost Recovery, Superfund, Natural Resource Damages and Citizen Suits
- Insurance Coverage Claims on Behalf of Policyholders
- Real Estate Litigation and Land Use Hearings
- Special Counsel to Municipalities and Public Agencies for Environmental Litigation
- Storage Tank Litigation
- Toxic Tort Defense and Class Action Suits
- PFAS and Emerging Contaminants
- Superfund and Site Remediation
Bar & Court Admissions
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
- New York
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
- U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
Villanova University School of Law, J.D., 1996
Western Connecticut State University, B.B.A. (business management), 1993
Professional & Community Activities
Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia
- Board Member
MGKF Hiring Partner, 2017-2022
MGKF Summer Associate Program
- Chair, 2014-2017
MGKF Professional Development Program
- Chair, 2009-2017
The Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia
- Former Board Member and Officer
- Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee
- Women in the Law Committee
Villanova Law School Inn of Court, since 2010
Pennsylvania Energy Alliance, since 2012
Women's Energy Network
Pennsylvania Future Fund, since 2011
Philadelphia Skating Club and Humane Society, since 2012
Rivercrest Golf Club, since 2005
“Achieving the best result for a client is the goal; establishing a trusted relationship in the process is the reward”
Nicole Moshang is a Chambers-ranked litigation partner at the firm where she represents clients in the pursuit of and in defense of environmental claims for cost recovery, contribution, natural resource damages, toxic tort, breach of contract, insurance coverage and enforcement and penalty actions under various state and federal statutes. In addition to her litigation practice, Nicole advises clients on a range of environmental matters, including regulatory compliance with federal, state and local regimes. Nicole's clients have ranged from Fortune 500 corporations in an array of business sectors to closely held businesses, sole proprietorships, municipalities, and school districts in a variety of complex environmental litigation matters.
Beyond her litigation practice, Nicole fulfills her passion for providing guidance and mentoring to new attorneys through her participation in the firm’s hiring and mentoring programs. She served as the firm's Hiring Partner from 2017-2022.
Outside her firm activities, Nicole is an active member of several organizations including the Women's Energy Network and the Villanova Law School Inn of Court. She has also been an active longstanding member and former Co-Chair of the Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia. Nicole is currently a member of the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia.
In her personal time, Nicole enjoys spending time with her husband and two children in Long Beach Island or at their local golf club, when she’s not cheering on her son’s collegiate lacrosse team.
*See Professional Highlights Tab for listing and rating information.
Nicole has represented private, commercial and industrial clients in a variety of complex environmental litigation matters including the following:
- defense of subsidiaries of Tenneco, Inc. as both trial and appellate counsel in action brought by group of parties remediating a contaminated site in New Jersey; plaintiffs asserted statutory claims under the New Jersey Spill Act and common law contract claims; achieved successful summary judgment dismissal of statutory New Jersey Spill Act claims; proceeded to bench trial on remaining contract claims, and received judgment of no cause of action and dismissal of all remaining claims; successful defense of appeal before the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, which affirmed trial court judgment (AGIP USA Inc. et al., v. The Pullman Company et al., Union County, Dkt. No. L-3530-10, Appellate Div. Dkt. No. A-0173-16T1, 2020 WL 1908509, at *1 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. Apr. 20, 2020)).
- defense of a specialty chemical company in a third-party CERCLA contribution claim resulting in the dismissal of the third-party claim on summary judgment (U.S. v. D.S.C. of Newark Enter., Inc. et al., No. 09-2270, 2013 WL 2658929 (D.N.J. June 12, 2013).
- defense of a national leading publicly-traded real estate investment trust in a third-party action brought against hundreds of parties for contribution under the New Jersey Spill Act for costs associated with the remediation of a Superfund Site.
- representation of a school district in private cost-recovery litigation in connection with an oil spill at an elementary school resulting in investigation and remediation costs in excess of $1 million;
- representation of a global chemical manufacturer in a multi-party negotiation of an administrative consent order with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") to conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study of a major urban river;
- defense of a national telecommunications company in a third-party contribution action brought under the New Jersey Spill Act seeking contribution towards government claims for alleged past and future response costs in excess of $25 million;
- defense of several companies in natural resource damage litigation brought by the state of New Jersey under the New Jersey Spill Act seeking damages, as trustees of the state for the alleged loss of use of contaminated groundwater;
- defense of a public utility against a class action filed in state court seeking environmental testing, remediation, and medical monitoring of over 12,000 residences for an alleged "threatened release" of mercury during the removal of gas pressure regulators;
- defense of a former specialty metals manufacturer in a federal action seeking damages in excess of $15 million for alleged property damage and diminution in property value from airborne emissions associated with manufacturing activities;
- defense of a specialty chemicals company in a CERCLA cost recovery action brought by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, resulting in the dismissal of the federal government’s claims with prejudice (United States v. Rohm and Haas, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 99585 (D.N.J. Sept. 22, 2010)); and
- representation of clients in alternative dispute resolution and mediation settings.
Nicole has also written on environmental issues for The Legal Intelligencer, Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, and other publications and organizations. Before joining Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox LLP, she was an attorney in the Commercial Litigation Group at Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis in Philadelphia. Nicole served as a law clerk to the Honorable Paul Jaffe of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County, before entering private practice.
Honors & Awards
- Chambers USA - America's Leading Lawyers for Business listing (environmental law), since 2021. The Chambers list is issued by Chambers and Partners. Click here to view the selection methodology.
Pennsylvania Super Lawyers listing for environmental law and litigation, since 2013; Top 50: Women Pennsylvania Super Lawyers 2018-2021; and "Rising Star" listing (environmental law and litigation), since 2007-2008 and 2010-2011. The Super Lawyers list is issued by Thomson Reuters. Click here to view the selection methodology.
Best Lawyers® in America listing (environmental law), since 2021. The Best Lawyers list is issued by Woodward/White Inc. Click here to view the selection methodology. - No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or any other jurisdiction.
Special Alerts
- March 15, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- January 18, 2023
- January 18, 2023
- January 12, 2021
- January 11, 2021
- January 11, 2021
- April 8, 2020
- January 14, 2019
- January 14, 2019
- September 4, 2018
- August 6, 2018
- November 27, 2017
- August 10, 2023The Bencher | July/August 2023
- April 15, 2020MGKF Litigation Blog
- March 5, 2018MGKF Litigation Blog
Press Releases
- August 15, 2024
- June 6, 2024
- May 17, 2024Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 100 Philadelphia and Top 50 Women Pennsylvania listings
- November 2, 2023
- August 17, 2023
- June 1, 2023
- May 22, 2023Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 100 Pennsylvania listing. Other partners included in additional top lists.
- November 3, 2022
- August 19, 2022
- June 30, 2022
- June 2, 2022
- May 27, 2022Managing Partner Carol F. McCabe included in Top 10 Pennsylvania listing. McCabe and Brenda H. Gotanda included in additional top lists.
- November 4, 2021
- August 19, 202117 Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Attorneys Listed in 2022 Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch
- June 14, 2021
- May 24, 2021
- May 4, 2021
- May 3, 2021
- November 5, 2020
- October 23, 2020
- October 20, 2020MGKF Partners Play Key Roles on Committee
- September 15, 2020
- Bruce Katcher Named the Best Lawyers® 2021 Environmental Law “Lawyer of the Year” in Cherry Hill, NJAugust 20, 202016 Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Attorneys Included in Best Lawyers 2021 and Four Named to Inaugural Ones to Watch List
- June 8, 2020Gotanda, McCabe, Moshang and Schiller Included in Top 50 Women Pennsylvania Listing
- April 22, 2020
- April 21, 2020
- October 3, 2019
- September 3, 2019
- May 23, 2019Fox and McCabe Included on Top 100 List for Philadelphia; McCabe and Moshang Included in Top 50 Women Pennsylvania
- March 5, 2019
- May 21, 2018McCabe, Moshang and Schiller Included in Top 50: 2018 Women Pennsylvania Super Lawyers; McCabe Included on Top 100 List for Philadelphia
- April 23, 2018Region-Wide Search Spearheaded by Wawa, 6abc and Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP
- April 21, 2016
Seminars & Speaking Engagements
- April 24, 2025Advanced Conference on Litigating Natural Resource Damages
"The Ripple Effect of PFAS Regulation: Litigation, Allocation and Mitigation", presented at the Society of Women Environmental Professionals Greater Philadelphia Chapter's PFAS Seminar, Lancaster, PA, August 27, 2024
"New Considerations as PFAS Comes into Focus at Superfund Sites", presented at the DRI Environmental and Toxic Tort Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 21, 2024
"PFAS Litigation and NRD Claims", presented at the Society of Women Environmental Professionals Greater Philadelphia Chapter's PFAS Seminar, Philadelphia, PA, September 21, 2023
"Right-Sizing and Streamlining Allocation Procedures (There must be a better way, right?)," presented at the 2022 Sediment and PRP Summit, Hoboken, NJ, September 22, 2022
"Under the Rader: Underutilized Tools for Shifting the Momentum in Litigation," presented at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s In-House Counsel Conference, virtual event, April 22, 2021
"Environmental Justice in Superfund and Brownfield Redevelopment," a webinar presented for the American Bar Association, March 16, 2021
"The PFAS Contaminant Conundrum - What You Need to Know” presented at the 2020 Virtual Bar Convention and Annual Meeting of the Hawaii State Bar Association, Honolulu, HI, October 16, 2020
"The Evolution of PFAS Litigation and Future Drivers” presented at the Emerging Contaminants Summit, Westminster, CO, March 11, 2020
"An In-House Counsel's Guide to Spotting and Avoiding Environmental Issues," presented at the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's Health, Biotech and Pharma Practice Institute, King of Prussia, PA, June 18, 2019
"New Jersey Environmental Update: Regulations, Remediations & Responsibilities" presented by MGKF and Roux, Cherry Hill, NJ, November 14, 2018
"A Regulatory Overview for Plant Management" presented at the Plant Operations Management Workshop sponsored by the Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ), East Brunswick, NJ, December 5, 2017
“Emerging Issues in Environmental Law: Impacting Real Estate Acquisition, Development and Ownership” presented at the Association of Corporate Counsel Greater Philadelphia - Ethics, Real Estate, Contracts & Commercial Law CLE Institute, King of Prussia, PA, August 8, 2017
"The Next Generation of Environmental Litigation" part of the 2017 NJ Environmental Law Forum presented at the NJSBA Environmental Law Section and NJICLE in Avalon, NJ, June 24, 2017
"The Deal is Done: How to Avoid and Manage Post-Transaction Remorse with a Focus on Environmental Liabilities" presented at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s In-House Counsel Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 17, 2017
"The Environmental Concerns You May Not Be Thinking About But Should: Strategies for Limiting Your Potential Liabilities," presented at the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's (DELVACCA) Health Biotech and Pharma CLE Institute in King of Prussia, PA, June 2, 2015
"Natural Gas Supply Infrastructure Investment," Moderator, presented at the Southern New Jersey Development Council, March 31, 2015
"Indemnity and Insurance: Getting the Most Out of Your Contractual Indemnity Provisions and Filling Gaps in Potential Exposures," presented at the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's (DELVACCA) Contracts and Commercial Law CLE Institute in Philadelphia, PA, February 9, 2012
“Mentoring and Networking Reception,” sponsored by the Society of Women Environmental Professionals’ (SWEP) New Jersey, Philadelphia and Harrisburg Chapters as part of EnergyPath 2011’s Sustainable Energy Conference in Center Valley, PA, June 30, 2011
"Environmental Issues That Can Impact Any Business - What Every In-House Counsel Should Know", presented at the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's (DELVACCA) In-House Counsel Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 7, 2011
"Untangling the Web of LSRP Regulations," sponsored by MGKF in Cherry Hill, NJ, December 15, 2009
"Discovery Sanctions-Not Just Outside Counsel's Problem," presented at the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel's (DELVACCA) Litigation CLE Institute in Philadelphia, PA, December 2009
Media Coverage
- August 31, 2023Law360
- May 19, 2020Law360
- January 27, 2020Law360
- October 15, 2019for the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources
- September 24, 2019Law360
- May 23, 2019MontCo.Today
- April 21, 2016Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox Ranked in Top 20 Ceiling SmashersLaw360