Environmental Concerns with Secured Collateral

February 27, 2012

MGKF Professional(s):

Michael C. Gross


Monday, February 27, 2012
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. (ET) teleconference

sponsored by the National Business Institute


Environmental law is an area filled with potential pitfalls for a secured real estate lender. As most lenders are aware, environmental issues can have a detrimental impact not only on the value of the affected property but also on the financial stability of the owner. In this fundamental legal primer, MGKF's Michael Gross will walk you through key elements you need to know to mitigate lender liability, including CERCLA liability protections, tips for good record keeping and lender management, and best practices for dealing with properties with potential environmental risks.

Teleconference registrants will:

  • Learn strategies to secure collateral and avoid lender liability, including how to maintain exemption during foreclosure.
  • Review CERCLA lender liability protection provisions and have a better understanding of how this exemption operates.
  • Gain a better understanding of lender best management practices, including insurance issues to consider.


Click here for registration information and additional seminar details coming soon.