"Climate Change Legal Issues: Where We Are and Where We May Be" at Climate Change: An Industry, Legal, Markets and Risk Perspective

April 30, 2009


Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia in conjunction with Exelon Corporation

MGKF Professional(s):

Todd D. Kantorczyk


PECO Energy Company
Energy Hall (Downstairs)
2301 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

8:00 - 11:00 a.m. (breakfast provided 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.)


The Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia is hosting a breakfast program on Climate Change: An Industry, Legal, Markets and Risk Perspective. Presentations will address potential risks and opportunities relating to global climate change, including how market, legal and risk factors will influence industry now and in the future.

As part of the program, MGKF partner Todd Kantorczyk will speak on "Climate Change Legal Issues: Where We Are and Where We May Be."

Additional scheduled presenters include Bruce Alexander, Director of Environmental Regulatory Strategies, Exelon Corporation, on "Managing Climate Change Risk and Positioning Our Business for Continued Success;" Ken Wolslegel, Senior Underwriter, AIU Holdings, on "Climate Change Risk & Opportunities: Perspective from the Insurance Sector;" and Craig Coulter, Senior Climate Specialist, Stantec, on "Turning Carbon Reduction and Other Environmental Benefits into Revenue in Today's Markets."

Related Materials:

Program Flier (PDF)
Kantorczyk Presentation (PDF)