Key Contacts
Practice Areas
- Asbestos
- Environmental Auditing
- Environmental Due Diligence in Site Development and Brownfields Transactions
- Environmental Insurance
- Financial Assistance
- Indoor Air Quality
- Lender Liability and Financing Issues
- Sewage Facilities
- Site Development and Brownfields Redevelopment
- Spill Planning
- Storage Tank Litigation
- Storage Tanks
Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land
Pennsylvania State Chapter
MGKF's Joseph Manko and Matthew Sullivan authored the chapter on Pennsylvania state brownfields laws. Their chapter covers the various aspects of the PA brownfields endeavor, such as legal liability pitfalls, assessments of contamination, self-audit privilege laws, valuation of contaminated property, financial issues and incentives, tax considerations, and specialized insurance policies is considered in-depth. In addition, explanations of federal and state requirements as to problems frequently encountered in the brownfields cleanup process, such as underground storage tanks, asbestos-containing materials, vapor intrusion, lead-based paint, hazardous substance spills, environmental contractor licensing and laboratory certification, are provided.